As astrologers, we strive to be free of any agendas other than to identify truth as it appears or occurs to us in relationship to you, our client.
We believe in reincarnation and read astrological charts from that perspective. Some charts appear to be barely influenced by past lifetimes while others are saturated with past life issues, relationships, losses and achievements.
Our goal is to identify the archetypal theme that appears in your chart governing your soul’s growth for this life. We also focus on past life issues that appear to need resolution in this lifetime. We will also focus upon your strengths, weaknesses, family patterns, upcoming events and opportunities, and best and worst places for you in the world.
We believe that astrology should be utilized to recognize the nature of the influences within our cosmic reality so that we can choose how to express and manifest them in our personal and shared lives. We believe in humanity’s free will in choosing how he shapes his destiny. It is our intent to present material in an empowering, yet realistic manner.
We believe the choices we have made throughout our existence as a soul have inspired the decision each of us made as to when and where to be born. Sometimes a person realizes that he has bit off too much when he planned out his challenges for this lifetime and it’s better for him to reassess now that he is in the physical plane and he can feel the weight of some of his choices. Astrology is an invaluable tool for such an individual. He can benefit from a reading that identifies rituals that can release the charge of such challenges and allow them to be processed energetically without traumatic suffering or exhaustion.
Since planets, signs, and chart sectors can represent many aspects of a particular designation, we will do our best to give you several options as to how the planets may be expressing themselves. The planets are like nouns, the signs are akin to verbs, and the sectors (houses) are their environments of enactment: the who, what, how and where. We are committed to the task of providing the interpretation that best fits the theme of your life.
If you ask us regarding the timing of death for yourself or another in your life, we will do our best to accurately calculate that event. Please do not ask questions that you do not feel ready to hear answered.
We will do our best to give you the kind of quality in a reading that we would desire for ourselves.
Stephanie, Diane, Sheri and Savannah